Mark Kimball began working with the Union Nacional Juristas de Cuba, a quasi-governmental organization similar to many bar association models, in 2003 when completing his first LL.M. degree and beginning work toward a Ph.D in Tax Policy Studies. Mark Has worked with the UNJC’s Vice President, who is also a Professor on the Faculty of Law at the University of Havana- a scholarly institution dating back more than 300 years.
Previous work led to the creation and later publication by
Mark on the relation between the Political Science theoretical constructs of
Historical Institutionalism and abilities to predict the nature and durability
of economic and tax reforms in diverse political settings, including, for the
first time, state socialist models such as Cuba. Mark’s work was presented in person at a
major conference in Havana in 2009 to audience of judges, attorneys and
academics sponsored by the UNJC.
This year’s conference will also include a diverse international audience of jurists, attorneys and academics from Latin and North America. Critically, with two-post doctoral LL.M. degrees in Taxation and Transnational Commercial Practice (the latter from an Erasmus participant university in the E.U.), Mark Kimball’s proposal, to be presented and debated at this year’s conference in Havana, will evaluate not only the theoretical ideations of Historical Institutionalism as abstractions, but will assert that legal practitioners in the realms of international tax law and international trade and tariff law will be better able to advise clients when such theoretical constructs are used to weigh and quantify risks to investors in non-US settings.
An abstract or summary of the research will be included in subsequent blogs on this website.

Mark Kimball holds a Juris Doctor degree and two post-doctoral degrees in Tax Law and Transnational Commercial Practice. Mark’s clients include multinational corporations with sales exceeding $4 Billion, major automotive part manufacturers located in China, and a multinational software and software module company with branches and subsidiaries in Ireland, the U.K., Dubai and South America. Mark has received multiple peer-review awards, including Martindale’s highest 5.0/”Preeminent Attorney” award, and the more recent “Client Champion” award, limited to fewer than one percent of attorneys in the United States. Mark is a Center for International Legal Studies (Austria) member of that organization’s Congress of Fellows, is adjunct faculty with three European law schools, and has taught CLE’s and participated in more than 100 national and international legal, political and economic conferences nationally and abroad.